Dicas de inglês – 12 usos do pronome “it” e expressões idiomáticas | Inglês no Supermercado

Dicas de inglês – 12 usos do pronome “it” e expressões idiomáticas | Inglês no Supermercado

12 usos do pronome “it”

1 – Empregue it para se referir a objetos, animais ou outras coisas que você já mencionou antes.
a) He saw the red Land-Rover. It was more than a thousand yards from him.
b) It’s a wonderful city, really. I’ll show it to you if you want.
c) My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.
d) I took a lot of convincing that parenthood was a good idea and I didn’t think I’d be much use at it.

2 – Empregue it para se referir a crianças ou bebês cujo sexo você não conhece ou cujo sexo não é relevante para o que você está dizendo.
a) She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born.
b) He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.

3 – Use it para se referir de modo geral a uma situação que você acabou de descrever.
a) He was through with sports, not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way.
b) Antonia will not be jealous, or if she is, she will not show it.

4 – Use it antes de certos substantivos, adjetivos e verbos que introduzem seus sentimentos ou ponto de vista a respeito de uma situação.
a) It was nice to see Steve again.
b) It’s a pity you never got married, Sarah.
c) It’s funny how you remember things.
d) It’s good of him to spare the time to visit at all.
e) Is it possible he’ll phone you?
f) He found it hard to work with a microphone pointing at him.
g) I know it’s a good idea to use dental floss.
h) It’s up to us to change things we don’t like.
i) It seems that you are letting things get you down.

5 – Use it em orações passivas que relatam uma situação ou evento.
a) It has been said that stress causes cancer.
b) Yesterday it was reported that a number of people had been arrested in the capital.
c) It was noted that within a year the incidence of illness had increased quite significantly.

6 – Use it com verbos que precisam de sujeito ou objeto, embora não haja substantivo que se refira a ele.
a) Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists.
b) I like it here.
c) We live in a world in which only the strongest can make it to the top.

chocolate it banana garoto Dicas de inglês   12 usos do pronome it e expressões idiomáticas

Chocolate Garoto It Banana

7 – Use it como sujeito do verbo to be para dizer hora, dia ou data.
a) It’s three o’clock in the morning.
b) It was a Monday, so she was at home.
c) It’s December 1989, in Las Vegas.

8 – Use it como sujeito de um verbo de ligação para descrever clima, luminosidade ou temperatura.
a) It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Milland.
b) It’s getting dark. Let’s go inside.
c) It was warm in the kitchen.

9 – Empregue it quando estiver contando a alguém quem você é ou quando estiver perguntando quem é a outra pessoa, especialmente no início da conversa por meio de telefone. Use it também para afirmar ou interrogar a respeito da identidade da outra pessoa.
a) ‘Who is it?’ he called. — ‘It’s your neighbor’.
b) Hello Freddy, it’s only me, Maxine.

10 – Quando quiser enfatizar algo, coloque esse algo imediatamente após it e uma forma do verbo to be.
a) It’s really the poor countries that don’t have an economic base that have the worst environmental records.
b) It was the country’s rulers who devised this system.
c) It was I who found him there.
d) It’s my father they’re accusing.

11- Use it em expressões tais como it’s not that ou it’s not simply thatquando você estiver dando uma razão para algo e estiver sugerindo que há mais outras razões.
a) It’s not that I didn’t want to be with my family.
b) It’s not just that a gulf exists in living standards–there’s a psychological ravine.

12 – Se você disser que uma pessoa pensa que ela é o it, você quer dizer que tal pessoa pensa que ela é melhor ou mais importante do que realmente ela é.


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